Spring Pruning: A Guide to Revitalize Your Missouri Landscape with Frisella Nursery

BY: Frisella Nursery

Spring Pruning: A Guide to Revitalize Your Missouri Landscape with Frisella Nursery Spring Pruning: A Guide to Revitalize Your Missouri Landscape with Frisella Nursery

As the frost of winter begins to thaw and the vibrant colors of spring emerge, it’s time to turn our attention to the rejuvenation of our Missouri landscapes. One of the most crucial tasks during this time is spring pruning, a practice that not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of our gardens but also promotes the health and vitality of our plants. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the what, why, and how of spring pruning, with insights from Frisella Nursery, your trusted experts in landscaping and horticulture.

Understanding the Importance of Spring Pruning

Spring pruning is not merely a cosmetic endeavor; it’s a vital part of plant care that encourages healthy growth, improves air circulation, and prevents diseases. In Missouri’s dynamic climate, where winters can be harsh and summers scorching, proper pruning techniques can make all the difference in ensuring the longevity of our plants.

What to Prune: Identifying Candidates for Pruning

Not all plants require pruning, but several common species in Missouri landscapes benefit greatly from it. These include:

  • Deciduous Trees and Shrubs: Trees such as maple and birch, along with shrubs like spirea and SOME hydrangea, respond well to spring pruning. Look for dead, diseased, or damaged branches that need removal. NOTE: Not all hydrangeas should be spring pruned, it depends on the type and if they bloom on old wood or new wood. The hydrangeas that should be pruned in late winter/early spring are panicle hydrangeas (H. paniculata) and smooth hydrangeas (H. arborescens). The other 4 main types of hydrangeas should be pruned later in the season AFTER they’re done flowering. Otherwise you risk cutting off all your blooms.)
  • Flowering Perennials: Plants like roses, butterfly bushes, and lavender often bloom on new growth. Pruning them in early spring encourages vigorous flowering later in the season.
  • Fruit Trees: Pruning fruit trees like apple, peach, and cherry in spring promotes fruit production by removing crowded branches and encouraging airflow.

Signs Your Plants Need Pruning

Identifying when a plant needs pruning is crucial to maintaining its health and appearance. Here are some indicators to look for:

  • Overcrowding: If branches are densely packed, sunlight and air circulation may be restricted, leading to disease and poor growth.
  • Dead or Diseased Branches: Deadwood should be promptly removed to prevent the spread of disease and encourage new growth. This can be done at any time of year.
  • Crossing or Rubbing Branches: These can cause wounds that invite pests and disease. Pruning them prevents potential damage.
  • Weak Growth: If branches appear spindly or weak, pruning can redirect the plant’s energy towards healthier growth.

Techniques of Spring Pruning

When it comes to pruning, precision is key. Frisella Nursery recommends the following techniques for successful spring pruning:

  • Use the Right Tools: Invest in high-quality pruning shears, loppers, and saws to make clean cuts without causing unnecessary damage to the plant.
  • Start with Deadwood: Begin by removing any dead, diseased, or damaged branches. Make clean cuts just above the branch collar to facilitate healing.
  • Thin Out Crowded Branches: Identify and remove crowded branches to improve airflow and sunlight penetration. Aim to maintain the plant’s natural shape while eliminating excess growth.
  • Prune Flowering Shrubs after Bloom: For plants that bloom on old wood, such as lilacs and forsythia, prune them immediately after flowering to avoid cutting off next year’s blooms.
  • Step Back and Assess: Periodically step back and evaluate your pruning progress. Aim for a balanced appearance, ensuring that the plant retains its natural beauty while promoting health and vitality.

Frisella Nursery: Your Partner in Spring Pruning

When it comes to spring pruning in Missouri landscapes, entrust your plants to the expertise of Frisella Nursery. With years of experience and a passion for horticulture, our team can provide personalized advice and guidance to help you achieve the garden of your dreams.

In conclusion, spring pruning is a fundamental aspect of maintaining a vibrant and healthy landscape in Missouri. By identifying the right plants for pruning, recognizing when they need attention, and employing proper techniques, you can ensure the long-term beauty and vitality of your garden. With Frisella Nursery by your side, your spring pruning endeavors are bound to yield spectacular results.

For all plant questions please do not hesitate to contact one of our plant specialists here at Frisella Nursery. Give us a call at (636) 798-2555 or email hello@frisellanursery.com.


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