Landscape Designer Favorites: Trees for Fall Color
Yes, its still hotter than heck in St. Louis, but the sea of mums growing out in front of the Nursery means cooler temps are right around the corner. Fall planting season is almost upon us, and if you find yourself envious of the orange and red hues that make your home feel as cozy on the outside as the pumpkin spice candle burning inside, our landscape designers have some ideas for you. For this edition of Landscape Designer Favorites, our designers have shared some of their favorite trees for fall color in the St. Louis landscape.

Autumn Blaze Maple
“For spectacular fall color in your St. Louis landscape, the Autumn Blaze Maple is a beautiful addition if you have the space for a large tree. It grows fast, around 3” per year with a mature height somewhere around 50-60 feet. It’s also fairly easy growing, as it tolerates many different soil types.”
– Bobbie Tracy, Frisella Nursery Landscape Designer

European Beech
“I love the European Beech (Fagus sylvatica) for fall color int he St. Louis landscape. It is a slow-growing tree but becomes very majestic over time. The European Beech’s limbs tend to undulate giving it a lot of character. The wood, bark, and longevity of the plant make it one of my favorites”
– Tony Frisella, Frisella Nursery Landscape Designer

Paperbark Maple
“One of my favorite trees for fall color in St. Louis landscape is the Paperbark Maple (Acer griseum). Its common name comes from the paper-like peeling bark that turns copper-hued in the fall. This only adds to the beauty of its scarlet fall leaves. The Paperbark Maple is a smaller tree, so it works great near a deck or patio where its interesting features can be fully appreciated.”
– Justin Verbryck, Frisella Nursery Landscape Designer

Rhus Typhina ‘Tiger Eyes’, Cut-Leaf Staghorn Sumac
“My pick for nice fall color is the Rhus Typhina Staghorn Sumac. This one’s great for small gardens because of its compact size, but it still packs a powerful fall punch.”
– Evan Winkler, Frisella Nursery Landscape Designer.

Persian Perrotia
“I chose the Persian Perrotia for amazing fall color in the St. Louis landscape. With leaves in shades of yellow, orange and red in the fall, this small tree looks beautiful as a specimen or as a street liner. The Persian Perrotia has a very interesting branching habit and exfoliating (peeling) bark on mature trees.”
– Tony Frisella Jr., Frisella Nursery Landscape Designer
If you need any help picking out the perfect plant, shrub, or tree for your backyard, don’t hesitate to drop by and see us. We will be happy to show you a few things that will work well for your needs.