
Azalea Rhododendron


Species: Evergreen

Cultivars include Catawbiense var.album (white flowers, blooms in May), Lee’s Dark Purple (purple flowers, blooms in May), Nova Zembla (red flowers, blooms in May) P.J.M. Regal, (lavender-pink flowers). Variegated (grows 4-6ft)


Species: Deciduous

Cultivars include Gibraltar (orange flowers, blooms in May), Klondyke (golden flowers, blooms in May), Mount Saint Helens (yellow pink flowers, blooms in May), Cannon’s Double (pink flowers, blooms in May), Mary Poppins (orange-red flowers, blooms in May).

Species: Girard Azaleas

Cultivars include Girard Crimson (Crimson red), Girard Fuchsia (Red-purple), Girard Hot Shot (Orange-red), Girard Rose (Rose pink), Renee Michelle (Clear pink).

Species: Bloom-A-Thon

Cultivars include Bloom-A-Thon Lavender (Lavender reblooms), Bloom-A-Thon Pink Double (Pink reblooms) Bloom-A-Thon White (White reblooms), Bloom-A-Thon Red (Red reblooms).

Species: Groundcover

Cultivars include Joseph Hill (Orange-red), Michael Hill (Pink), Yuka (White/Pink)


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